Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mountain Song

"Mountain Song" by Rubik Kocharian, 24"x36", oil on linen (2002)
[Copyright Rubik Kocharian.  All rights reserved.
Repost or copy only with full credit to the artist and without modification.]

"Mountain Song" painting is based on real people: my friends Dany and Maggie. The girl is Hopi and her husband playing the flute is Navajo - a seldom combination in Native American marriage. While painting them, Dany was playing the flute that he had made himself.  The melody was forbidden by their laws to play for outsiders, but they liked me so much that he and his wife made an exception and I was honored to hear the wonderful 'Mountain Song' in my studio. Maggie is a poet and was reading her poetry for me and my wife; it was making us cry. It was an exceptional experience.  To meet these people and have them pose for me and to feel so close left me with unusual experience that stood in my memory.